Friday, January 13, 2012

OCT, 2010: Bangalore, India

Never thought that I'll choose this country for my vacation :) I've stayed at one of my pet sisters house @ Palm Meadows, Bangalore. Really thanks to Mattsson's family (Benny, Rozi & Calle Mattsson) for the pleasure u guys gave to me (accommodation, transportation, etc). The house area's like Beverly Hills :) I did lots of shopping when I'm here which is very unique & cheap. I did try their Nasi Beriyani which is lot spicy than Malaysia Nasi Beriyani. Maybe because of the herbs. But this country is not suitable for asthma patient. It's very dusty eventhough Bangalore is more colder than Delhi, because it don't really rain. The traffic is bad & funny. If u're not from India, please don't ever try to drive. It's a poor country and u can still see beggars everywhere. They really have the gap between the poor and the rich. I've tried Indian body massage using hot coconut oil :). I travelled with AirAsia which took about 3hr45mnt journey in flight. Just imagine the smell of the BO that I need to cop-up with for that long :) Because of my face which don't really look like Malay, they thought I'm a Nepalese. I've been on the auto-rickshaw (kind of like Tuk-Tuk but I can't remember what they call it at India).

 The view of Bangalore

 Bengaluru International Airport

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